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Big Feet, Little Shoes

You know what they say about a man with Big Feet :)...... Big shoes

I have read various articles, both on this forum and others about board games and carbon foot prints. Part of me feels that what we put out there (as far as goods are concerned) need to be both quality and responsible. As I am nearing a huge decision tree as far as what materials to use in production/manufacturing for a board game (Mythic Migration) I find it hard to balance the scales. I am biased towards quality. I remember playing games at my Grandad's made of wood, and die cast metal. Some games that were made by my Grandad and others that were for his parents. Seems like the games were made to last, both in design and construction. I wonder if we design things these days with the long term in mind. Sure trees are valuable, priceless to some. What about considering alternatives... People make video games at enormous cost (both in product development, and environmental impact). Don't get me wrong, I love my video/computer games but it seems like they are made often with the short term in mind. Namely keeping the player occupied until the expansion comes out, or getting them hooked for online gaming (purchasing new maps).

I guess the big question in choosing wisely, both materials, and ethical production... How do I fit Big Feet (Quality, lasting product) in Little Shoes (Low harm to the environment, if at all possible)... and then walk in the shoes (not go bankrupt in the process, ha ha.

Anyone else out here have thoughts?


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