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First Person Shooter

Off and on I've been working on a board game designed to capture the feel of a First Person Shooter. I decided early on that it needed to feel fast paced and real time even if it wasn't and I didn't want to just have players roll dice to see if they hit because that to me doesn't feel like a FPS.

Its going pretty good so far. To get the feel of real time movement I use cards with various orders on them that players play and reveal at the same time. The cards cover stuff like move forward 1 space, turn Right 1, Strafe Left 1, Go Prone, Stand Up, etc. This seems to work fairly well for what I want. It can become a point of analysis paralysis but overall I think it feels pretty good.

The game rounds play in phases:

phase one, card placement.
Each player places 2 cards face down in reverse order they want to carry them out, so the card on the bottom is the second action the card on top is the first.

phase two, movement.
All the players reveal the cards and carry out the instructions at the same time. There are rules for when two characters try to go into the same space but basically they act at the same time.

phase three, action phase.
In Phase three you get one action. That could be picking up an item you are standing on, or it could be attacking an enemy character. In order to attack an enemy you have to be facing them and they have to be in range.

How you attack someone?
Each weapon has an assigned cup with a radius that matches a cone of fire (or accuracy) for that weapon. Each weapon also has a Rate of Fire and a Ammo Rate. Rate of Fire is the number of time you will get to attempt to hit your enemy with the weapon as a single action. Ammo Rate is the amount of Ammo that is used each time you fire. When A player decides to attack an opponent they look at their weapon stats and get the appropriate size cup and a number of wooden cubes equal to their Ammo Rate. They place the cube(s) in the cup shake it and turn the cup over on a target with silhouette of their enemy. For each corner of the cube that is inside the silhouette the enemy will take 1 point of damage. Also enemy's are behind cover then the cover will be overlaid over the target making it that much harder to hit them

Once everyone has had a chance to carry out an action or pass on the opportunity, play goes back to phase 1.

I'm feeling pretty good about the mechanics of this so far, I'm showing it to a potential publisher tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. I think it mainly depends on if we can figure out a way for them to produce some of the components. I'm feeling pretty good so I felt the need to share.


Best wishes

Good luck tomorrow.

Just in case it doesn't turn out as you wish, I had some ideas on a real time FPS card game. It was inspired by the Jab game (Tasty Minstrel). I wont be able to get on it, but let me know if it catches your interest and I'll tell you about the mechanics.

Keep thinking!

Thank you for the well

Thank you for the well wishing, and I'm always interested in hearing new ideas etc. so go ahead and lay them on me.

As for the show and tell of First Person Shooter, it was postponed slightly to accommodate my day Job as an iPhone developer. Damn deadlines getting in the way! :0) I'll probably be showing the game on Thursday, and if not then this Saturday.

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