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Gamebot's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008

Unfortnately, this has to be my first post on the boards.

I went to GenCon this year and went to a seminar entitled "How to publish your game design." The person running the event was Lou Zocchi. He was a very nice man and has been making games from the very very beginning. He also invented the 100-sided die. I got a sense from him that gaming was his life moreso than from any other designer I have met.

Anyways, he was selling a booklet about the topics he discussed in the seminar and I bought it. I had it on my coffee table the other day and noticed that his home is in Biloxi, Mississippi. I did a quick look on Google maps and his home looks awfully close to the shore. I tried to contact him via email but obviously I got no response with the power being out.

I have only met the man once, but he is all I can think about the last few days. I have no idea if he has survived. At the very least I imagine that his entire business is ruined. All of the games that he stores on his propery must have water damage or have been destroyed. All of us know that making games is a difficult venture. I can't imagine losing all of it by no fault of your own.

If anyone has any information, please post it here.

Joined: 04/23/2013


I personally am unfamilar with Lou. From a little research it appears Lou is affiliated with Gamescience. If I recall correctly, they've been around a long time. I am sure however that he appreciates your thoughts and prayers. It is difficult for us who were not directly affected by Katrina to actually comprehend the level of devastation there. The only thing we see are what we see on TV and higher gas prices at the pump. As time goes by, I think it will be almost impossible for us Americans to NOT know or meet someone who was affected by this tragedy. I never thought I see something like that. It makes you have a greater appreciation of the power of nature.


Joined: 12/31/1969

Hopefully, it will also make us be more aware of the reality of global warming. These storms will continue to grow more frequent and more devastating as the green house effect causes the gulf waters to warm further. It is time to stop sticking our collective heads in the sand and start doing something to curb the deregulation of air quality standards.

Xan Lynch

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

At this point, I think it's too early to have the enviro-polical debate (it's a valid debate to have, but just save it for a handful of months from now) ... there are still too many people that need help.

I received an e-mail from Greg Schloesser, a top-10 BGG game reviewer, Spielfrieks frequent poster, former member of the West Bank Gamers, etc. -- I'm sure most of you have heard of him.

In it, he says this (I hope he doesn't mind me publicly quoting from an e-mail):

[My family and I] are doing OK under the circumstances. New Orleans and the Gulf Coast is simply devastated. We are in shock and disbelief. It is truly horrific. I am encouraging everyone to do what they can: send funds, food, clothing, etc. Encourage your government and churches to help in any way they can. Help is needed very, very quickly.

From all of the local reports I've been able to get to via the internet, and friends with e-mail, I hear nothing but the same. No matter what the national media want to focus on, there are plenty of problems all across that whole region that need to be dealt with beyond the idiots causing mayhem in New Orleans.


Joined: 04/23/2013

Also note that one of our newer, more active members, theraje, is missing from action. He fired me off a message before Katrina hit that he may be MIA for a while. I'm not sure he could even imagine how prophetic his statement was. Although not quite in the path of Katrina, his home town was very, very close. I hope he is doing as well as can be expected.


Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I think that Clint (theraje) lives near the border with Mississippi, along the section where the border runs straight north/south ... should have been far enough north to avoid the "big hit" -- but I know that standard services (power, phone, cable, cell, etc.) are very inconsistent throughout both of those states.


Joined: 12/31/1969

I'm alive, just had the 'Net knocked out for a couple weeks. Everything (here at least) is back to normal.

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