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A mediaval Card game !

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hi, I just want to ask you which mechanics can use for a card game.
how i make i card game for middle-age ? i project the game with poll on , italian portal.(on 'INVENTORI' forum - inventors ) NO combat , but only management of the :P

A mediaval Card game !

You may have to be a little more specific on your question. There are a ton of card game mechanics that may be useable, but first could you provide more information on the scope or the direction of your game? You mention that you don't want combat mechanics, is that because combat isn't the focus or because you already have combat rules?

You mention specifically resource management, but from which angle? A day in the life of a feudal peasant? Feudal lord with castle and lands to protect/develop?

I'm sure there are some very good examples of card games that include resource management. Have you looked on the Geek for card games that use a resource management mechanic?

A mediaval Card game !

but first could you provide more information on the scope or the direction of your game?

yes ! don't there is any direction ! the game is make with polls !

that because combat isn't the focus

that is only resource management ! this is difficult for me .:
For now i divide on the game on four mechanics parts :
(i found in this forum and believe it is my point of begin)
-> people
-> things
-> events

I'm sure there are some very good examples of card games that include resource management. Have you looked on the Geek for card games that use a resource management mechanic?

yes , i see something on the greek , but the mechanics "
resource management" is not on the lists ! what's i see ?

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