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Paypal Shopping Cart

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Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

I want some feed back on what you like or don’t like about the Paypal shopping cart system. I am thinking of using it at my site. I would like to hear both from those who have used it to buy and to sell.

Thanks in advance, i know i'll get some good input.

Joined: 06/22/2010
Paypal Shopping Cart

I've played with the paypal shopping cart, and I use their buy it now button on my website.

Overall it seems very nicely done, you write a snippet of HTML form code to tell the shopping cart what you're doing and it takes care of the rest. I love the fact that I can dynamically generate the code snippets for the shopping cart or buttons. Since my site is all dynamic anyway, it gives me a lot of control.

The only major downside is that it is paypal, and they're a pretty bad company to deal with, but there doesn't seem to be any alternatives yet.

If you have any more specific questions, just ask.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Paypal Shopping Cart

Another shopping cart you can use is ccnow I accept both paypal and ccnow, my only complaint about paypal is they make your customers become a member to use them even if they don't want too. ccnow does not.

Paypal Shopping Cart

That trophy cartainly looks good...and is really big too! Congratulations, Oracle. Good games, too!

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Paypal Shopping Cart

How does ccnow work without signing up? One issue for me is having a way people can pay that they trust. If they have to give me a credit card number it's going to scare quite a few customers off.

TJ: when i go to your page and hit Buy Now then hit shopping cart check out there is nothing in my shopping cart, unless i go to the buy it that i am sent to from the Buy Now link. The extra step is a problem especially since you have to scroll to get to it. It took me a few trys to figure it out.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Paypal Shopping Cart

The seller has to sign up, but not the buyer. Your customer goes to a secure website and pays. You then recive an e-mail letting you know about the sale and where to ship the product. You get paid once a month from ccnow. I find ccnow is less intrusive then paypal for my customers in the fact that all the customer has to do with ccnow is pay by credit card and give basic info of where to ship, with paypal they have to become a member of paypal even if they don't want to. One thing to note is ccnow is a little more expensive then paypal.

By the way I fixed the buy it now on tjgames. thanks for the feedback.

slam's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Paypal Shopping Cart

I set up a paypal shopping cart for a couple of my sites. I highly recommend it. It's easy to do if you know web design.

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