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Proto ATL 2020 Design Contest Moves to Semi-Finals

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The Game Crafter
The Game Crafter's picture
Joined: 06/09/2009
The Game Crafter - Board Game Design Contest - Proto ATL 2020

Community voting has ended and now the Proto ATL 2020 Contest moves to the semi-finals. View all of the games at

See all of our current and past game design contests at

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wow ... I'm surprised!

I was expecting that "Games at the TOP of the list" would have gotten MORE votes. But it actually looks like the community really "sat down" and did a lot of effort to read each and every entry and produce a SOLID scoring for the top finalists! Wow ... What a surprise!

I remembered some of the top-listed games and it turns out they have 10 or less votes from the now updated list. So being at the top is NOT an advantage... The community has taken their time and done a meticulous job in voting.

I can't remember how long its been since I was impressed with something like this... Truly an amazing and authentic community at TGC.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

Is that list of 20 Semi-Finalists going to be condensed into like 5 or 6 entries for Final Judging??? Just wondering because 20 seems like quite a bit... I know initially there were more (like 85+) but still 20 entries is a ton on game analysis that needs to be done!

What are the (secret) details on this???

The Game Crafter
The Game Crafter's picture
Joined: 06/09/2009
Yep, the finalists will be

Yep, the finalists will be chosen and then the winner will be chosen from that smaller group of finalist games. :) it always starts with a community vote to get to the semi-finalists. Then the judges do the work from there.

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