Please use this thread to ask any questions, pose comments, or bring to light any other examples of games that you believe fit the challenge.
Good luck!
Please use this thread to ask any questions, pose comments, or bring to light any other examples of games that you believe fit the challenge.
Good luck!
I wrote this comment - but somehow it got lost.
I have a hard time to understand how you can make a game that is dependant on two players.. Cant almost all games be played by 1 player? If you play pandemic solo - you still make choices the other player should have made?
Maybe I know games like Battleships would not be so fun to play solo... but I have a hard time getting ideas for this challenge - but definitely a cool gds.
There is a game called "The Game" which can be played solo or as a coop with up to 5 players. However, when played as a coop, communication between players is limited---Some information must be kept hidden. Thus the solo game is very different than the coop game. Hanabi is somewhat similar. (In that game, you can not see your own cards, but others can and can give you hints about what you have).
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I have a hard time to understand how you can make a game that is dependant on two players.. Cant almost all games be played by 1 player? If you play pandemic solo - you still make choices the other player should have made?
Maybe I know games like Battleships would not be so fun to play solo... but I have a hard time getting ideas for this challenge - but definitely a cool gds.
Arthur's example of Hanabi is a good one. More broadly, any game where you have to make a decision based on information that you don't know - but someone else does - requires two players. Even if that "information" is just their long-term strategy in a cube-pushing wargame, or Chess.
This is tough if cooperative games, since generally information is freely shared between players. Some games, like Shadows over Camelot or Battlestar Galactica, use a "traitor" mechanic so you are encouraged to not share information with the other members of the team. The latter also obfuscates who plays each card, making the traitor harder to figure out.
In this challenge you don't have the luxury of lots of players to hide a traitor amongst. So you need to find a more suitable way to keep players from having all the information.