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Blooded99's picture
Joined: 08/06/2013

Hello and Salutations Everyone!

I found BGDF after I decided to try my hand at bringing my ideas to life.

I'm currently a mechanic in the USAF and don't like it too much so I want to try my hand in bringing my games to life instead of broken vehicles.

I've had several ideas and my top 2 are card games.

The first is Dungeon Delving where players take Heroes and fight monsters and such.

The second is City of the Dead where players take Survivors and attempt to survive the Dead and each other.

I have several more but before going further those are the two I am focusing on until I know whether or not anything of mine will do well.

This site has been great for information. I am currently play testing both games and have artists making some cards so that I can eventually turn to Kickstarter. The art will help show the game off a little instead of just having white cards with black lettering. If all goes well I hope to release my game sometime '14 or '15.

Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated!

Knicksen's picture
Joined: 05/18/2011

The guys on this site are a helpful bunch. I always post questions / ideas here for feedback.

I found Lew Pulsipher's book a useful bible (see details on my games blog: ).

James Mathe writes a lot of useful stuff and there's a Facebook group he runs, which has some of the people on here in it:

In particular, consider what it would mean to you personally to do Kickstarter - James has written on this and I have reconsidered my plans as I don't want to commit to becoming a manufacturer of games - you might be different though 8o)

Good luck!

Blooded99's picture
Joined: 08/06/2013

Awesome! Thanks for the advice and links!

Joined: 04/08/2012
Hello Blooded99,

Welcome to the forum.

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