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Joined: 08/28/2012

Hi all,

Although I've been haunting this forum for a while now, I've decided to try and get more involved. There are some really great posts and conversations going on here, and I'm tired of just showing up as another guest :) When I started game designing several years ago, I wasn't really sure if it would be something that stuck, or if it would just be momentary flight of fancy. It seems to have stuck. I'm finally at the point now where I am "coming out" to some of my closer friends as a game design enthusiast, though none of them really have any idea of how many folders full of game parts and ideas I have hidden about. I'm loving it.

Hope to see you all around!


Joined: 10/09/2013

baberahamlincoln wrote:
Hi all...I'm finally at the point now where I am "coming out" to some of my closer friends as a game design enthusiast, though none of them really have any idea of how many folders full of game parts and ideas I have hidden about...


How many folders DO you have laying around the house with game parts in them?

Joined: 08/28/2012

Technically they are ziplock bags. Six with prototype pieces. About another 20 that exist in the digital realm only.

KrisW's picture
Joined: 01/15/2013

It is a natural progression - little piles on the desk - zip lock baggies full of parts - A work table with too many boxes underneath for feet to fit - A hobby room - boxes in the garage. . .

And having to move boxes before the snow settles in because there is no room for the car.

Welcome to game designing!

GuilderlandGames's picture
Joined: 10/31/2013
One of us...

It is nice to know I am not the only one, first it was folders and tupperware, then a tacklebox of parts, soon a workspace? The only thing I lack is enough time to put all my ideas in motion. Seriously, though this community is great for folks like me who are just starting out with their designs. I've read some great books on the subject, but having people to communicate with who don't roll their eyes and tune out is nice.

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