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TGC Testimonial Contest ends in 3 days! Winners get $100 in TGC shop credit

The Game Crafter - Testimonial Contest 2016

You only have 3.5 days left to submit your video for The Game Crafter’s Testimonial Contest! Videos must be submitted by 11:59pm (central time) on Thursday, September 15th.

The 3 winning videos will each receive $100 in TGC Shop credit. Videos will be shared on The Game Crafter site and social media channels. Please try to keep them to 2-3 minutes long.

The contest announcement is

The youtube video announcement is

Rolling the Dice on the Tabletop Revolution

The Game Crafter - Rolling the Dice on the Tabletop Revolution -

The Game Crafter was featured in this article on It’s about board games and the people who love and make them. We’d like to thank Matt Kim for including us in the article.

Defenders of Wessex - How it came to be part 3

Unrelated to the topic of how my game came to be- today I attended the birthday party of a friend who happens to be a rather board game nut. He has quite a collection, and (I discovered only about 2 weeks ago) is also a designer, with connections to a vibrant designer community in my city (again, not something I knew about). I was able to show my game to several published designers today, and got great feedback.

Defenders of Wessex - How it came to be (continued)

I figured its best to update today, since I won't be around much at all tomorrow and Monday is a holiday (which will hopefully score me at least 1, if not 2 play tests!).

Why aren't computer RPGs (especially MMOs) as much FUN to play as old-time D&D?

Note: While this is a board game designer's forum, I've decided to include this because some of what has happened in RPGs, has or can happen in board/card games.

Why aren't computer RPGs (especially MMOs) as much FUN to play as old-time D&D?

TGC Testimonial Contest Begins!

The Game Crafter - Testimonial Contest 2016

The Game Crafter launched a new Testimonial Contest and it starts today!

Watch this video to hear all the details and learn how to enter. Videos can be submitted anytime between September 1-15, 2016 and the winners will be announced by the end of September.

The 3 winning videos will each receive $100 in TGC shop credit. Videos will be shared on The Game Crafter site and social media channels.

The official contest announcement is here:

Tabletop Events Explainer Video

Tabletop Events - Tabletop Game Convention Management

Tabletop.Events is a new business started by The Game Crafter to help convention organizers run board games conventions better. If you are thinking of running a convention, or you know someone that does, Tabletop.Events can help. Pass this on to them.

Watch the video at:

Dice Duelz - back to life!

I cannot believe Im writing this - but after almost 4 months of hiatus - the project is slowly coming back to life. Summertime currently keeps me from working on anything serious, but there has been progress and autumn is just around the corner.

But first things first: It took my artist 9 freakin' weeks to draw 5 vector icons! thats over two months! Well, on the other side they look really cool, are scaleable and did not cost more than a slice of pizza. I'll show you the icons in the next blog post.

Popularity Of Escape Games

Escape game has been around from the nineties and is a point and click adventure game which requires a player to try to get out or escape from a locked room through clues placed in different locations

Play free Escape games Have Fun

Age is not at all a factor when taking into account the popularity of escape games, from as young as five year old kids to seniors engage in escape games for entertainment, relaxation and time-pass.

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by Dr. Radut