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My first project

I believe my resource system prevents players from 'mana screw'. Each card can be played as resources. I do think it needs to be fine tuned. Please drop by and find out more

Crystal Heroes: The Reboot!

Just figured I'd jot down some game related information for the "Crystal Heroes" Re-boot!

The deck is comprised of ten (10) cards:

"x": Warlord - multiplication = 2 x 3 = 6 (1x)
"|": Thief, Ranger, Bard - special or = 5 | 3 = 10 (2x)
"-": Mage, Cleric - subtraction = 6 - 2 = 4 (3x)
"+": Fighter - addition = 4 + 3 = 7 (4x)

Those are only the classes and operators. The one worth noting is the "special or": what it means is "of two (2) numbers, choose the highest and add them together." So 5 | 3 = 5 + 5 = 10.

Vote for your favorites in the Gamehole Gauntlet

Voting has started for the Gamehole Gauntlet. The TGC community will submit votes and narrow down a list of 20 semi-finalists.

See the entries and vote at:

VCR prototype picture of first play test


Played the initial game tonight and while it was rocky and a ton of kinks need to be worked out, I stepped away more encouraged than discouraged. Beneath the cobbled together paper and reused bits is the faintest glimmer of an actual game.

Gamehole Gauntlet - Ends in 2 days!

Reminder: Only 2 more days left to submit your game designs for the Gamehole Con 2016 Gauntlet!

The contest is here:

Defenders of Wessex -- How it came to be

My last entry talked a little about the very start of what has become Defenders of Wessex. This will continue the saga!

VCR Prototype

VCR (pending title) is my main current project. I've gotten to the "planning phase" on a number of games and even began construction on the first iteration of this game a few months back. The original theme for this game was a pick up and deliver/stock market game where players raced around the galaxy buying and selling to accumulate wealth in order to build their own successful restaurant on one of a number of planets. The theme changed recently. Drastically. Now the game centers around VHS movie rental stores in the 1990s.

The Prohibition Era: An Uncommon area (Part 2)

The 2nd play through went far better. I had 3 players for the test. The less random start for players went better as well. I had the city centre placed in the center of the board, (7x7 grid), and the starting locations were randomized within a limited location, one each on the four corners of the board. (For a full rules set to see the set up, read last blog entry, attached rules there)

It seemed to go a bit slower, as we only got to turn 4 after 2 hours. The game seemed a bit repetitive though. There is definitely some more editing to do.

Viking Invasion: New title and some thoughts on Game Design


Well, another week, another blog post! Unfortunately I had no play test this week, but thats ok. Come September I will have a lot more play tests again; lots of people are out of town wrapping their summer vacations and stuff. It gives me time to begin preparing some files to be uploaded to The Game Crafter!

In big news though, I have decided on a name for my game, since Viking Invasion was just a working title. I have decided, based in part upon the opinions I gathered from play testers, that my game will now be called Defenders of Wessex!

What’s it Like to be a Game Designer?

(This was originally a response to a question on Quora.)

Because there are so many kinds of game designers, the answer to the question is the same as the answer to many questions about game design: it depends.

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by Dr. Radut