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RPG publishing

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Joined: 12/31/1969


My colleague and I have designed a whole new mechanic RPG gaming.

We are in the process of extensive playtesting, but wondered if anyone on here might have any idea who to pitch to on this?

RPG-ing is such a big yet stable body, the basic mechanics (dice and maths systems) have been long standing.
If someone were to propose a new system, who is it best to pitch this to?


Gogolski's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
RPG publishing

Oops,... I misread your post, thought you were looking for testing the system, instead of publishing...

Anyway, I'll leave my answer as it was for anybody else who might be interested.

I suggest you try People there are very friendly and helpfull. You could post a message in both their 'resources-forum' and 'other systems'-forum' to see if you get any reaction. You can playtest online (PbP) in their forums, so if you get reactions, ask if anyone would be willing to help you test the system. (you can play in the 'open gaming forum' or ask the admins for your own forum (but I think you need a certain number of posts to get your own forum...) is of course mainly about d20 3.5E, but the combined knowledge of RPG-ing in general is MASSIVE. Just give it a try...


Joined: 12/31/1969
RPG publishing

much appreciated... not quite the answer.. but still very relevant.

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