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RSS feeds

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clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I've found RSS feeds for blog entries, news(?) entries, and for each of the forum sections, but I can't seem to find an RSS feed that covers comments and replies to forum posts. Is that possible?

Also, it would be great if the RSS feeds were configured to include the entire post rather than just a leading excerpt.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
There's nothing built into

There's nothing built into the software to allow for feeds of comments or replies, unfortunately.

I've switched the feeds to have them feed entire posts.

clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

clearclaw wrote:

Yeah, I found that, it's what I meant by "built into the software." My only concern (beyond my general concern about adding modules that might slow the site down, cause problems, etc., which I have about all modules) is how feeding everything might affect bandwidth. How greedy are the most popular feed readers? I just use Google's Reader right now, and it only asks for the info from a feed when I select the feed, but I'm concerned about offline readers and the potential large quantity of sucked-down feed data that won't ever get read.

clearclaw wrote:
Another option:

Yeah, probably not going to add any modules off the Drupal site. We're (possibly extraordinarily) paranoid due to having been hacked so much in the past, so don't want to add anything that feels even slightly skeevy.

clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
LMS is your friend

The cited module claims (or I think I recall reading it did) to support LMS headers for the generated feed. That should keep bandwidth requirements down.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
LMS Headers

I understand that LMS headers will allow the reader to ask the questions "is there any news" and "how much news is there" and "what are the titles of the news," but how does that affect offline readers? Don't offline readers grab the full feed contents regardless of that header info?

clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
An offline reader should do a

An offline reader should do a HEAD operation first and then only do a GET operation if the HEAD reveals new content since the last GET. The GET payload is the bandwidth baby. In this way LMS should keep the bandwidth loads down to a dull roar.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Right, it's not going to

Right, it's not going to fetch things that have already been fetched. My concern is that it will fetch things that will never be read by a person, unlike the website itself where you only click on the link in order to read the posts.

It's pretty much only text, so it's probably not a huge deal bandwidth-wise, either way. Not sure where we are on that, anyway.

clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
The advantage is that it is

The advantage is that it is only text, does not come with all the HTML and static image framing that a normal content page carries, and thus is in sum far lighter.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
clearclaw wrote:I've found

clearclaw wrote:
I've found RSS feeds for blog entries, news(?) entries, and for each of the forum sections, but I can't seem to find an RSS feed that covers comments and replies to forum posts. Is that possible?


clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008


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