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'Word·a·bout' is a vocabulary game that tests your ability to build words with word fragments in a short period of time. In a deck of 90 cards, 3 card with 3 fragments are flipped face up on the table. A timer is set to 30 seconds, then counts down as all players, simultaneously, try and spell as many words as they can by using the the fragments shown. Players compete to score points and win tokens. At the end of a deck (or set # of rounds) the player with the highest score wins.

More to come...


It has been a while...

But I'm back for the moment. Word-a-bout has come a long way since my first couple entries here on BGDF. I've finally injected some time (at work no less) to update my progress. Please look through my lastest posts to get more on the game.

Shortlist of things:
- changed tokens to cards
- a final creative has been chosen by you, the public
- demo deck of 54 printed and play tested with 3 groups
- new game variation and another in development
- added elements to justify a Deluxe Edition release of the game
- Indiegogo campaign in preparation to launch in Aug at FanExpo

I suck at word games

My family loves them though.
This sounds like a great party game.

What is the difference between points and tokens?

PTS vs. Tokens

You score points by using fragments on the table. You lose points by adding letters that are not available. The Token system is a way to pay for letters you would have ultimately lost a point for.

Think of each token like "buy a letter". Each token you own is worth one letter. The catch is, you don't get points for letters you pay for. You just don't "pay" for it hehehe (little pun there). Basically, you don't lose points for letters you pay for. The difference could mean you winning a round. Winners of each round win 1 token from the bank. Every round you win, you can bank tokens (up to 5 in total).

The fun part about the token system is that after every round there is a gamble phase, called the Pay Phase. Everyone who wants to pay for letters can do so BEFORE we call count our points. The reason it's a gamble is because everyone is hoping that they can get the most points in the round to win back one token. Those that lose the round take solace in keeping a slightly higher score but lose whatever they have paid for. In the end points matter, no the biggest or fanciest words.

Wow... I may have made it seem more complicated than it really is, but it is pretty simple. Buy a letter, don't lose a point.

A follower

I will follow your game journal, because I have been working on a version of Battle Line using letter cards. I'm especially interested seeing how you balance the Word A Bout in the case where one player is far more talented than others.
- regzr

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut