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It’s Your Turn…

A helpful resource for all aspects of designing tabletop board & card games:
game design, prototyping, playtesting, publishing, and much much more!

'Changing of the Guard' here at BGDF


It is with a heavy, but hopeful heart, that I have decided to step down as the main administrator of the BGDF. For those of you who have been here a while, you've probably noticed my involvement waning over the past years. This is due to many factors, but mainly it is because of increasing work and family schedule demands. Rather than let BGDF 'fizzle out', I have decided to pass the reins in hopes that new leadership will spark the community to new levels of participation, both here and in the greater board game community.

So, with that being said, I have decided to tap Sedjtroll (Seth Jaffee) as the new leader of the community. As many of you know, Seth has recently aligned himself as a designer and developer for the new game publishing company Tasty Minstrel games. With this experience, coupled with his involvement in the convention scene and his existing veteran experience here at BGDF, I feel he will do a lot toward promoting the community and furthering the initial goal I had when creating the community, which was to help people feed their passion for creating games.

In addition, I have also asked Seo (Ariel Seoane) to also step up as co-administrator, specifically to assist in the technical day to day dealings of the website and community.

GDS November 2009 Challenge: "Travelling Light: King's Quest Edition"

Game Design Showdown

November 2009 Challenge - "Travelling Light: King's Quest Edition"

This Challenge has been completed.

Congratulations to new BGDF member Don Jon and his entry "Find Me a New Prince Charming!" for receiving the most votes this month!

CRITIQUES: Post constructive critiques and commentary about the entries to this Challenge in the Critiques Thread.

Hippodice is on again!

It's time once again for amateur designers to put their best foot forward, get their stuff together and enter a game in the annual Hippodice game design contest!

Game Design Showdown September 2009 Challenge: "Canned Space"

Film Cnister

Game Design Showdown

September 2009 Challenge - "Canned Space"

  • Submissions were accepted: Thursday, 10-Spetember-2009 through Thursday, 17-September-2009.
    • Voting was tallied: Friday, 18-September-2009 through Friday, 25-September-2009.

And the winner is....

"Drop Pods" by Jpwoo.

Congratulations as being selected the best of the four games in this month's contest, winning by a single vote over "Deep Scan" by Brykovian.

Main Design Requirements:

  • Theme: Outer Space Exploration.
  • Component Requirement: Must use 35mm film canisters (or similar). Can use black with gray lid, or semi-transparent (both body and lid). (see picture to the right). Feel free to add other components as you wish.

Game Design Showdown August 2009 Challenge: "Make Mike Hammer Cry"

Game Design Showdown

August 2009 Challenge - "Make Mike Hammer Cry"

>>> This Challenge has been COMPLETED<<<

Congratulations to doho123 for his winning entry!

The Game Design Showdown will Return in August

There will not be a July 2009 Game Design Showdown Challenge here at BGDF. It will return in August.

In the meantime, I will encourage you to check out the card game design contest going on at BGG ... get more information here:

Design Contest At BGG - Traditional Card Game (2 player).


I'm hosting a little design contest over at BGG to have people design some card games for two players that are playable with standard decks of cards (or playing tarot cards). I thought perhaps some of the folks over here might be interested in participating; mostly for the design challenge but perhaps also for the Geekgold (the prize pool is currently at 84.71GG). The rules for the contest are posted here.


June 2009 Challenge - "Last Meeple Standing"

Game Design Showdown

June 2009 Challenge - "Last Meeple Standing"


The winner is ilta for "State of Nature". Congrats!

8 Entries now available for review and critiquing

  • Submissions: Wednesday, 17-June-2009 through Wednesday, 24-June-2009.
  • Voting: Wednesday, 24-June-2009 through Friday, 3-July-2009.

Main Design Requirements:

  • End Game = Being the last player to accomplish some predefined goal (so not gain 20 vp, not cross the finish line, not collect 3 sets, not use the last resource, etc).
  • Victory Condition = Anything you desire.
  • Meeple Components must be used.


  • Survival. The game should portray a thematic feeling of survival.

Game Design Showdown May 2009 Challenge: "The Horror of the Siftables"

Game Design Showdown

May 2009 Challenge - "The Horror of the Siftables"


The winner is Mitchell Allen for "Pandora's Mountain". Congrats!

There are 5 entries that I have posted. Click on the "comments" clickable do-hickey below to see the entries.

  • Voting: Wednesday, 20-May-2009 through Wednesday, 27-May-2009.

  • Voting: I will be using the "10 points" method of voting. In other words, when you vote, you assign any number of points to your favorite entries, as long as the total amount of points you assign does not exceed 10 total points. You are free to cast your points as you wish across as many games as you wish. However, you are not allowed to assign points to your own game.

Design a "scary" game using Siftables technology. What are "Siftables?" Glad you asked! Click to see Siftables in action here.

Theme: Horror. The game should be based on a "scary" or "horror" theme. It can be a classic horror theme, or modern. Monsters, zombies, mad slashers, haunted castles, vampires, etc.

Main Design Requirement:
A heavy use of the Siftables technology is required. Which I don't think is going to be too much of a problem.

Game Design Showdown April 2009 Challenge: "Dictyostelids"

Game Design Showdown

April 2009 Challenge - "Dictyostelids"


Design a board game in which the players control their pieces in a whay that somehow resembles the individual and aggregate states of the Dictyostelid cellular slime molds.

Theme: Free. The game theme can be literally about cellular slime molds, or cellular nano-robots, or any other thing the designer finds suitable to the main challenge premise.

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by Dr. Radut