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Wagydan's blog

A checklist for game design

Hi guys,

My name is Joost Das. I have a small company called FableSmith and I make games for educational, social or commercial purposes (as assignments) . Besides that, this year I will come out with my second game for the popular market, called Ortus. Last year I self-published the cooperative card game Oh no... INVASION!!!

What I wanted to share with you is a short list. A check list of ingredients that I think should be in every game, so in my designing process, these are alway in the back of my mind.

Mounting a print on a game board

Hey guys, quick question.

I have the artwork for my game board ready to print and make into a prototype. I'm just stuck on how to produce the best prototype. BGG told me there are some trade secrets here, does anyone still have a link to a good article on creating game boards? I think mounting a paper print on cardboard is best, but I might be way off.

Thanks a bunch.


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