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Priority in trick taking games

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fecundity's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I am trying to decide how to handle a situation that arises in trick-taking games using the Decktet (like Ace trump.)

The Decktet has ten card ranks and six suits. The cards ranked 1 and 10 (the Aces and Crowns) are one per suit. The cards ranked 2 through 9 have two suits per card. So imagine that the first player leads the 9 of Suns and Moons. The second player follows suit by playing the Crown (10) of Suns. The third player follows suit by playing the Crown of Moons. There are just these three players, and neither Suns nor Moons are trump. Who should take the trick?

I can think of three possible rules to resolve situations like this.

1. When two cards of the same rank both follow suit, the one played earlier beats the one played later. In the example, the Crown of Suns takes the trick.

2. When two cards of the same rank both follow suit, ties are broken by looking at the card that was led and seeing which suit symbol is printed above the other. Looking at the 9, the Moon suit symbol is above the Sun suit symbol. So the Crown of Moons would take the trick.

3. When two cards of the same rank both follow suit, the one played later beats the one played earlier. In the example, the Crown of Moons takes the trick.

Rule 1 means that going earlier in a trick gives a player the chance to muscle out players who go later. I'm not sure I like that.

Rule 2 has the virtue of resolving all ties based on the cards, rather than based on the order of play. But it is a complication, and it's harder to explain than either of the other options.

I will probably include the others as variants on the rules page in any case, but I am curious as to which rule y'all think should be the default.

Joined: 07/26/2008
As a fourth option, would

As a fourth option, would ranking the suits be appropriate, as applies for some games using standard decks of cards? (In Bridge bidding for example, for equal numeric bids, diamonds beat clubs, hearts diamonds, spades hearts and no trumps spades)?

But I definitely prefer your presented rule 2 to 1 and 3, since both one and three emphasise a positional advantage of some position over another, and both feel inelegant, while 2 uses the structure of the components. Although, and I can't tell this from a brief glance, there might be an implicit suit hierarchy in doing that, depending on if some suits always go on bottom, some always go on top, or any combination of two will cause (although from the brief glance I did it appears that there isn't any such, but instead the suit order on the cards is instead arbitrary, although the arbitrary nature may give advantage of some suits to others... Which isn't necessarily a problem with going with rule 2, simply a feature that if it applies needs noting.)

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
another vote for rule 2

I also think rule 2 is better. And I don't think it would be that hard to explain, just state that the first card played sets the suits rank to be used in case of a value tie.

fecundity's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Suit order

Gizensha wrote:
As a fourth option, would ranking the suits be appropriate, as applies for some games using standard decks of cards?

Suits on Decktet cards are always presented in the same order. For example, a Moon (if present) goes on top. A Sun (if present) is on top of anything besides a Moon. I could put that progression on a reference card, but the effect would be the same as option 2.

Joined: 07/26/2008
Thanks for that. In which

Thanks for that. In which case option 2 is indeed equivalent of that, and the cards provide a convienient reminder of suit rankings, but a reference would probably make games using such suit ranking slightly more newbie friendly, since knowledge that suit rankings are consistent, and solid, might make subtle strategic differences between players experienced with the decktet and those who are not. Not being familiar with the intricacies of strategy for a game is to be expected with any game, but not familiarity problems with universal game equipment should, ideally, be kept to a minimum.

(Incidentally, I think I might have mentioned it somewhere else, but I do like the design possibilities the decktet presents. My mind's drawing up one or two ideas for simple games just from looking at the designs of the cards, but I'd like to do some initial experiments regarding them after printing a decktet off (hoping to be able to do that tomorrow) before I mention anything, just in case the ideas are laughably bad. If they're simply bad, then someone better at game design than me might be able to get them to work and I'll mention them, but if they're laughably bad I'd rather not let them see the light of day :))

fecundity's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
New ideas

Gizensha wrote:
My mind's drawing up one or two ideas for simple games just from looking at the designs of the cards, but I'd like to do some initial experiments regarding them after printing a decktet off (hoping to be able to do that tomorrow) before I mention anything...

Cool. I look forward to hearing what you come up with.

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