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Setting up appointments at Essen Game Fair

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Joined: 02/16/2010

Hi all,

I have a question that some of you might be able to help me with.

My first boardgame Ortus is ready for publishing now. I have decided to use the Essen games Fair SPIEL to find a publisher for it. My plan is to email all publishers that might be interested in publishing my game to set up an appointment and demo my game.

My question is the following: where can I find which companies will be present and where do I send my email to? The official website for SPIEL gives little information.

Has anyone ever published a game after meeting up with publishers at such a fair? Could you share your experiences and some tips maybe?

Thanks all in advance for any useful info!

Joined: 04/18/2009
There is no way to se the

There is no way to se the listings befor the gamefair starts. They relees the list the same day the gaimfair starts. I tried last year but onley fount last years listing.

But you can count on the fact that most game publishers will be there atleast the european once. You can take a look at and look at there spiel prevu to se what companies will releas new titels. They will be there fore shore. Also there is some essen lists at, this is simular to the bgn site. Then use that info to se who to contact.

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009
Appointments with the big publishers

As sayed before, all big publishers will be there for sure. And only with the quite big, you will need appointments.
I yet only had appointments in Nürnberg, but as far as i know, in Essen it is quite the same.
The verry big publishers like Kosmos and Ravensburger have their onw rooms for appointments with designers. Medium large publishers like Huch, Zoch, eggert ... have a box at thier "Stand", wher you also need an appointment. Small publishers with only some people in their company can not leave their "Stand", so they do not make appointments. You can try to talk to them in a moment, no customers are waiting.

Joined: 09/20/2009
Pitch to the Pros

Here is a video that I found most helpful, as were most of the other videos in the same channel. Hope it helps with your preparation.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

Kirioni wrote:
Here is a video that I found most helpful, as were most of the other videos in the same channel. Hope it helps with your preparation.

Not much about the actual pitch. It’s more about having a game ready to pitch (Playtesting!!!) and understanding the publisher’s viewpoint.

Too bad I hoping for some pointers on how to make a pitch face to face.

Joined: 09/20/2009

Sorry for the mis-post, Pitch to the Pros (part 2), 20:30 into it he talks specifically about three types of in person pitch. Again, sorry to waste 40 minutes of your time for the wrong link.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
well not a total waste

Part 1 had good information but having been around the business for many years i knew most of it already. I would recommend it to beginners because what he said in 40 min took me years to discover.

Joined: 02/16/2010
Thanks a load

Hey guys,

Thanks a load for responding so quickly to my request. It's all unknown territory for me so all help is very welcome.

I have actually seen the video before, but it was good to see it again.

I'll keep you guys posted on the journey of Ortus to the shelves ;-)

BTW, who's coming to Essen? Might be nice to share a coffee with other designers.

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