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It’s Your Turn…

A helpful resource for all aspects of designing tabletop board & card games:
game design, prototyping, playtesting, publishing, and much much more!

Vehicle Game Design Contest

We at The Game Crafter are pleased to announce our first of many design contests. Each will have a theme, and a short set of rules. After that it's all up to your creativity to see what happens.
There are many different kinds of vehicles in our parts catalog. For our first contest we want you to design a game that features one or more of the vehicle parts in our parts catalog. It doesn't matter whether you feature just one kind of vehicle (like a boat racing game), or if you create a game that requires a whole horde of different vehicles (like a military strategy game). 

[GDS] July 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Europoly"

July 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Europoly"

Please Read: Details on entering the Game Design Showdown.

Can you redesign a classic?

Voting on the July GDS is TOO CLOSE TO CALL!

After re-opening voting, the new votes were not much more decisive! We had a 4-way tie after Wednesday, and sadly I forgot to bring my tabulation of votes with me to Colorado (where I am now) - so I don't actually know which 2, 3, or 4 are still tied!

Sorry about the inconvenience, I'll open the critique thread so we can talk about the games anyway. For now you can assume you're all winners :)

July GDS - Late due to summer vacation!

First of all, I would like to apologize for failing to post a Game Design Showdown on 6/31 before leaving town for 2 weeks. I will be posting the July showdown in a few minutes, and we'll have through next Wednesday (7/20) to submit an entry. Voting will run through the following Wednesday (7/27), and then August's GDS will begin on 8/1.

Sorry for the delay, hopefully you're all itching to participate!

And for those interested, Seattle was beautiful last week, and Protospiel was a lot of fun (and very constructive I think).

- Seth

Lego looking for Game Designers


Lego is currently looking for game designers. Check out the details here:


[GDS] June 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Spring Cleaning"

June 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Spring Cleaning"

Please Read: Details on entering the Game Design Showdown.

WINNER ANNOUNCED! 7 games have been posted - and in a very close race we have a winner!

1st place, with 12 votes: Busy Bees by Lokinervio.
2nd place, with 11 votes: Tulpen Mania by Richard James and Brad Phillips.
3rd place, with 8 votes: Diced Veggies by bhazzard.
4th place, with 6 votes: Birds of Pair O' Dice by Loonoly and Spring Planting by Chip Alexandra.
5th place, with 4 votes: Spring into Action by Empires and Springtime for Dinos by Ron Krause

Congrats to the winners, and thanks for playing! Watch for the next GDS to go up Thursday June 30th (I'm leaving town, and want to make sure I post it before I go).

And now, to the Critiques Thread!

[GDS] May 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Royal Wedding"


Votes have been tabulated for the May GDS. Here they are:

  • 1st place, with 8 votes: Entry #5: Royal Wedding by Ron Krause!
  • 2nd place, with 7 votes: Entry #1: Hubert's Royal Wedding by Richard Durham!
  • 3rd place, with 5 votes: 3 way tie!

    • Entry #2: Royal Divorce by Richard James and Brad Phillips
    • Entry #4: Royal Ushers by Ciprian Alexandra
    • Entry #6: Please Be Seated by loonoly
  • Last place, with 4 votes: Blood Lines by bhazzard

Congrats to the winner and runner up for a very close finish! The Critiques Thread is now open - please critique the entries!

What's your favorite features of BGDF?

I'd like to know which features of this website are being used, which are cool but unusable, and which are simply not useful. So please reply to this thread and let me know which features you use and like, which you would like to use if they were somehow different, and what you'd like to see as a feature of BGDF.

Right now I'm just gathering information, but I do hope to use this information before too long to greatly improve the BGDF experience!


[GDS] February/March 2011 Game Design Showdown - "The Dice Gods Must Be Crazy" - TOP 8 VOTING

I have tabulated the Top 10 lists, and looking at the distribution of first round votes, I have made the cutoff at 13 votes - that is to say each entry with 13 or more votes has moved on to round 2. There are 8 entries that made the cut.

For round 2 we will return to the normal GDS voting format:

  • You may assign up to 6 votes to the entries of your choice
  • You may assign no more than 3 votes on any 1 entry
  • You may not vote on your own entry
  • You need not assign all 6 votes

To vote, PM sedjtroll with the following format:
#XX [Entry title] - X votes
#XX [Entry title] - Y votes
#XX [Entry title] - Z votes
(For convenience you can copy and paste the lines below)

[GDS] February 2011 Game Design Showdown - "The Dice Gods Must Be Crazy"

February 2011 Game Design Showdown - "The Dice Gods Must Be Crazy"

Please Read: Details on entering the Game Design Showdown.



Instead of the 30 votes thing I mentioned before, I think it will be better to do this in a 2-step voting process. I apologize to those who painstakingly assigned 30 votes already!

ROUND 1: Simply list your 10 favorite entries of the 38. Send me a PM with the subject "FEB GDS TOP 10" with that list. You don't need to put them in any particular order, just the 10 entries you think are best.

You have until Sunday to get me this (some people have expressed that Friday was too early to go over all the entries, and I expect some people would prefer to do so on the weekend). Sorry for the confusion!

The Entries have been broken up into 4 threads...

Michael Mindes of Tasty Minstrel Games has expressed an interest in a quick playing, light game made primarily of dice. I thought it might be fun to expand this month's Showdown and incorporate his request to find out if the BGDF can produce something he'd be interested in publishing.

While the GDS is a competition, it's a friendly one, and I think it would be cool to see the critiques of these games aim at really trying to make one or more of them good enough to submit to a publisher. Even if your own entry does not win, you could contribute to one of your colleagues games getting published!

Apologies and solutions?

I just want to apologize to all BGDF users about the constant spam posts and other sub-optimal parts of this website. For some time I've been meaning to do something about this, but my lack of expertise in this department has caused hesitation and delay. I am gearing up to find (or at least look for) a professional solution - I will let you know more when I figure it out.

Thanks for continuing to come back and participate in the BGDF community despite any irritants and sub-optimal stuff.

- Seth

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by Dr. Radut