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It’s Your Turn…

A helpful resource for all aspects of designing tabletop board & card games:
game design, prototyping, playtesting, publishing, and much much more!

[GDS] NOVEMBER 2015 "Heirloom quality"

We have a winner!


by markgrafn

Not many entries this month, but a record number of comparative votes. An intriguing challenge with some very nice components made this one extra tough. Judging by the voting response, there is quite a lot to talk about concerning both the challenge and the entries. Let's get to it!

[GDS] OCTOBER 2015 "A game for everyone"

We have a winner!

Congrats to AndrewUBaker for "Magic Trick".

As hardcore gamers we tend to take to complicated games far more easily than the masses. We look for themes in our games and demand a story in addition to engrossing game play. It's easy to forget that for the unwashed masses, gaming is primarily a social event where you just happen to be tossing cards around. Well done, designers, and thanks for contributing this month!

Let's head over to the critiques forum and talk about the games.

[GDS] September "The only way out is up"

We have a winner!

Congrats to andymakespasta for "Towers of Bologna".

With a unique challenge and an open theme, quite a few designers submitted entries. Some excellent variety and some interesting design decisions. Let's head over the critiques thread and see if we can make some sense of it! Mega-kudos to everyone who participated in this month's challenge!

[GDS] August 2015 "The GenCons and GenCants"

We have a winner!

10 Days

by andymakespasta

Another tough challenge to close out summer. Thank you to all our participants, I can't wait to hear some of the thinking behind the design choices this month. Let's head over to the critiques forum for complete voting results and discussion.

[GDS] JULY 2015 "Standing Room Only"

We have a winner!

Proper Deportment

by Wombat929

Very proper indeed. An especially difficult challenge this month. Huge thanks to all the designers that put their creative abilities to the task. As always, one day will be devoted to each entry, but please feel free to keep the discussion going on other days. Now head over to the critiques forum to view the full results and discuss the games!

[GDS] JUNE 2015 "The enemy of my enemy is also my enemy"

We Have a Winner!

Cabinet Affairs

by diluce

What a selection of entries this month! Huge thanks to all the designers who stretched their legs and put in a submission for this month's contest. There's lots to talk about, so head on over to the critiques thread for a full voting breakdown and let's get started. With the number of entries this month, we're slotting two per day. Don't be afraid to come back to an entry and make some more comments!

[GDS] MAY 2015 "Black bag"

And the winner is....

Grave Robbers & Body Snatchers by MarkJindra!

Over the next week you'll have the chance to comment and critique each title. Please do! This is why a lot of people participate in the GDS each month.

[GDS] April 2015 "Losers' Lounge."

We have a winner!

Drop In Drag Race

by anthiasgames

Lots of discussion this month regarding what makes a game able to drop contestants in and out and still be competitive with a clear winner. That discussion can still be followed in this month's Comments and Questions thread. Share your thoughts on this month's challenge in the critiques thread and look for a complete posting of results.

[GDS] MARCH 2015 "A Team apart"

We have a winner!

Stanley Pool

by andymorris

Thanks for the thoughtful responses and questions regarding the challenge this month. This was exceptionally difficult for the "rules light" word limit, but our community proved themselves equal to the challenge! Share your thoughts in the critiques thread and look for a complete posting of results.

[GDS] FEBRUARY 2015 "Terribly Suspicious"

We have a winner!

Project Y Derailed

by Hook

A fairly loose challenge proved to be daunting. Thanks to all those who stepped up to bat! Share your thoughts in the critiques thread and look for a complete posting of results.

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by Dr. Radut