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questccg's blog

Monster Keep — Fourth Prototype

So I've reached out to the BGDF Design Community (all you great and innovative designers) to help out with some "Monster Cores". I currently have SEVEN (7) Monsters which is enough to work with ATM.

Since this is prototype #4, I figured I'd introduce RPG stats into the game!

That's right, the a modified version of the D&D stats are NOW part of this new version... I removed the dual RPS-3s because it was complicated to remember that a "+1,000 ATK" or "+1,000 DFS" was to occur.

Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — 2nd Edition : Updated some cards

Well I took some time off from Editing TW and just sat there and looked at the "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" 2nd Edition alpha cards. These were just some SAMPLE cards while I work on the various concepts in the game. So now I have SIX (6) cards... I've only designed these cards...

Monster Keep — Third Prototype

Well the good news is that I'm working on a THIRD (3rd) Prototype for "Monster Keep" (MK). And while the game has "changed" A LOT (True...) I believe it is for the BETTER. I gave myself SIMPLE "rules" to follow and see what the result could be.

Some of those rules are:

A> I wanted a Battle/Duel/Take-That kind of game.

B> I wanted it to be SIMPLER than Pokemon.

C> I wanted the game to play between 10 and 15 minutes.

D> I wanted a format that could support Deck Construction.

E> I wanted to have a format that could sell from an online store.

Monster Keep — Re-think about the game

So I know one of the mechanical ideas behind the game was "keeping Monsters" and therefore the name "Monster Keep" (MK). I've also learnt from playing the prototype, that the number of cards is too high and that the method of play is... by far not FUN enough because of all the MATH.

I had hoped that I could BLEND Fantasy with something like War! and come out with a very "take-that" kind of card game. But with the card count and all of the MATH ... Quite honestly, it just wasn't working.

Monster Keep — First Prototype

Alright ... so I've been patiently waiting for "The Game Crafter" (TGC) prototype to arrive. And well it did this morning at 10:00 AM! I was super excited to see what the cards, stickers and dice looked like. Here are some of my observations:

1. Dice Stickers are TOO SMALL.

Indeed it seems like the indented die is LARGER than your standard d6s. And the stickers that go on the die are SMALLER than expected. What does this mean??? Well I might need to go with CUSTOM SVGs to have my stickers done professionally at TGC.

Monster Keep vs. Crystal Heroes

Okay so a new debate has surface concerning the game that I am working on. In a way, it's not really a complicated matter ... but there are reasons for making a decision either which way. Let me explain.

So in essence the change is pretty SIMPLE: Changing the name to "Crystal Heroes" instead of "Monster Keep".

Why this new name change? Well it's got to do with REASONING:

1> I don't feel like the game is about MONSTERS. It's more about HEROES even if there are Villainous ones.

Monster Keep — Draft/Preview of the Elvish Crusader

Here is a COOL "Preview" of the Elvish Crusader... She's just kicked a whole lot of Undead rubbish and lit the mess on ... FIRE!

The illustration was a combined effort... Madison drew the Crusader in this "Taking Care of Business" pose ... And then I suggested: "How about a pile of undead monsters she's just defeated?!"

Can't wait to see the COLORED rendition! Enjoy.

Monster Keep — Formulas and/or equations towards "Race Balance"

So following some advice from Ramon (@X3M), I decided to some "Race" planning... Basically I've been thinking about HOW each race should exist and what are the "broad lines" of each race.

Monster Keep — Sneak Preview of art-style

Here is ONE (1) Sample/Sneak Peek/Preview of the ART and ART-STYLE for "Monster Keep" (MK).

TradeWorlds: Master File Disaster (or so I call it)!

Well I received from Mike a FILE (.ZIP) which contained a bunch of files and a TON of cards. That was supposed to be the archive with the Master Files to be used to produce the files for the Manufacturer in China (this was 2 weeks ago).

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by Dr. Radut