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questccg's blog

Crystal Heroes: Fine-tuning and Development of the game

While I waste more time waiting for the DESIGN to "crystalize" (pun intended!) I find that I am developing the game further such that some aspects of the game are no longer "remote" or "esoteric" areas of the design.

One of those "areas" was the Ex-P Crystals. There had been an issue about these specific Crystals because they can be used with Actions to make some POWERFUL decisions impacting your turn a bit.

Archon — Circlet of the Heavens: Working over the weekend on this design

So two (2) things that have become CLEAR to me with the design of "ARCH" is this:

A> The game must focus on defeating the OPPOSING BOSS unit/card.

B> If neither BOSS unit/card is defeated after three (3) Rounds, the BOSS with the MOST "HP" (Health Points) is the winning BOSS.

The gameplay is going to be simple:

1. Draw six (6) cards from your Ally Deck (leaving 10 cards for the other Rounds).

2. Choose ONE (1) Card from the six (6) to be the BOSS.

3. Each BOSS has exactly 10 or 15 HP (TBD with Playtesting which is better).

Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — 2nd Edition : Heroes and Stats

My classes of Heroes are pretty straight-forward:


table width="100%"> Color Class Stat Abbv Red Fighters & Champions Strength [STR] Orange Rangers & Bards Dexterity [DEX] Yellow Thieves & Assassins Agility [AGI] Green

New Design "crystallizes" overnight... I was up until 3 AM!

So one of my newer designs just got firmed-up overnight. That's right, I was up at around 3:00 AM this morning thinking about some of the fundamental rules for this design. I had some ideas and was drawing some inspiration from "Betrayal at House on the Hill" (BHH) and wanted a two (2) phase game where detectives travel around the "county" trying to solve a crime.

Well I landed-up with a five (5) phase game which is not too bad and I managed to solved some of the "existential" questions with the game: how it should be played and what mechanics should get used.

TradeWorlds: Smugglers Run

Well it's been a while since I have had the chance to "re-think" the third (3rd) Expansion for "TradeWorlds". For those who don't know, the Expansion was going to be called: "Smugglers Run".

Monster Keep: Fresh & New ideas for this DESIGN!

Way back when I was a younger man, "Monster Keep" (MK) had the principle that players would CHOOSE the "Operators" (think Math) and compute formulas. However this idea went by the wayside when I figured that the player should CHOOSE the "operands" instead (again different Math)!

Today while pondering on some of the other dilemmas ... I found myself THINKING why not ALSO choose a Monster's REACH. Let me explain.

Crystal Heroes: More playtesting of the NEW Tactical Layer

Over the holidays, I have been playtesting the NEW and improved Tactical Layer. It features the use of Pawns (one per player) and moving around the Grid that is made from the Game Tiles in play. What makes this new Tactical Layer "work" is a Lord/Lady Resource Sequence that must be collected. This sequence is unique to each Lord/Lady and obviously means that NINE (9) Resources need to be collected to win the game.

Some early conclusions to report:

1. My first game with this new Tactical Layer was won in the 9th Round of play.

Crystal Heroes: a Peek into the Future!

If you ever wanted a "Crystal Ball" to look into the FUTURE... Look no further! This is a preview of one of the nine (9) Houses (and Booster Packs) for "Crystal Heroes" (CH). I didn't want to reveal the first two (2) sets because that would be unfortunate ...

Crystal Heroes: Cardback Preview (WIP)

Hello all,

I wanted to share with you all this PREVIEW of the "Crystal Heroes" (CH) cardback for the game. This is very much a Work-In-Progress (WIP), there are still some final touches to improve visibility once printed (some elements in the picture get lost due to color filtering).

Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — 2nd Edition : After a lot of thought

Right now, I have a compelling design for this game. It has a lot of "technical" challenges for the Players and is pretty SOLID as a "concept" alone.

What I mean is that I don't YET have a prototype to PLAYTEST the game. So all of the though has been put into the "concept" and I LIKE the overall outcome of this mental exercise.

It has "tight" mechanics and makes sense as a "whole" too.

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by Dr. Radut