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It’s Your Turn…

A helpful resource for all aspects of designing tabletop board & card games:
game design, prototyping, playtesting, publishing, and much much more!

[GDS] 2017 "Party like it's 2999"

It's time for the first major change to the GDS.

Read up on the new, longer, format here

The gist is that the GDS will span a whole year - with the initial half using the old monthly GDS-like challenges to help you develop your game. The latter half of the year is devoted to creating and sharing the artifacts for your game to share - down to sell sheets for publishers.

In January, which is now, you'll get the overarching theme. Mull it over.

[GDS] AUGUST 2016 "Go Go Gadget GenCon"

We have a winner!

Royal Progress

by gilamonster

Let's give these designers some feedback in the critiques thread for taking the time out of convention season to keep the contest alive.

[GDS] JULY 2016 "Time's Up"

We have a winner!

Courier Now

by A Round Tuit

Only a few entries this round. Summer is getting the better of us! Timers are difficult to use creatively, so let's see what everyone came up with, shall we? Find the critiques thread here.

[GDS] JUNE 2016 "It's Tourney Time"

Entries are in

Another small field this month with 3 strong entires. So again, in lieu of a formalised vote we'll go right to the comments and critiques.

When you critique, list the entries in order from favourite to least favourite along with your critique. Talk about how the game did/did not meet the requirements, and what you think the most promising parts of the game are.

Here is a link to the critique thread.

Please Read: Details on entering the Game Design Showdown.

Convention season is upon us! (Well, the US, not all of “us”). So our GDS this month revolves around the inevitable tournaments and rapid game play that you see at conventions Start off by thinking of some games that you know have regular tournaments. Probably a collectible card game or “living” card game, right? Or a tabletop war game? Or a classic, like Catan or Chess or some such.

What makes them good tournament games? Is there a design you can make that overtly lends itself to organised or tournament play? And can you do it without being a predominantly-card game, or tabletop war game?

That’s your challenge for June:

Design a game that naturally lends itself to organised play events (competitive tournaments or other). Restrictions on your design are:

  • Your game can not be a card-game, or a tabletop war game (the likes of Warhammer, X-Wing, Flames of War, Malifaux, etc).
  • It must be a game for more than 1 person (no solo player games going for a “high score”)

You may use any other mechanics, components, play-styles, player-counts, etc.

[GDS] MAY 2016 "Human-scale games"

Entries are in

This was a tough one! Only a few entries this month, so we're going to actually forgo the standard voting process and just get to the critiques. The entries are still posted below, but let's get on with the critique thread and make your thoughts known!

[GDS] APRIL 2016 "Co-op? More like co-opted."

We have a winner!

The Final Voyage of the Jelly Roger

by ConMan

Full results and discussion will be found in the critiques forum. Thank you once again to all our designers and readers!

[GDS] MARCH 2016 "Super Vote-a-tron 2016"

We have a winner!


by billarama

Quite a challenge, but our designers stepped outside the ballot box to meet it! Thank you to everyone who submitted games and took the time to read them! Now let's go to the critiques thread and talk about them!

[GDS] FEBRUARY 2016 "The circle is now complete."

We have a winner!


by billarama

Massive participation this month! Let's go talk about it! Final point totals are posted in the critiques thread.

[GDS] JANUARY 2016 "Stronger together"

We have a winner!

The votes showed a clear top three entries this month. The top winner is:

The King's Gold

by Elkobold


by Andymakespasta in second place


by Markgrafn rounding out the top three!

Congratulations to the winners. Now head on over to the critiques thread to check out critique schedule.

[GDS] DECEMBER 2015, "Learning to game"

We have a winner!

Evil Cults for Dummies

Congratulations to andymakespasta!

With only four entries this month, we've got some leeway to dig into the mechanics and see what works and what doesn't. It was really tempting to just declare this one a four-way tie, what with the voting being so close! Thank you to all of our entrants, [now let's head over to the critiques forum!] (

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by Dr. Radut