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questccg's blog

Tradewars - Homeworld: Playtesting (2x)

So as we speak, I am playtesting the one player scenario (The Derelict). So far the dice rolls have been good and by accident I used a 1:1 ratio for buying cards... It's cool and it works. Deck building is quicker and makes for what seems a more *rapid* game.

Tradewars - Homeworld: Expansion

I know it's seems early to be discussing *Expansion* of the game considering the Kickstarter has not yet occurred. However, I feel this might be something worthwhile discussing with potential Publishers who may be more excited when told that the game will have Scenario-based expansions that will increase "Re-playability".

In an earlier blog post, I explained that I wanted to stay away from "Race Expansion" simply because I thought that Scenario-oriented expansion added MORE value to the original game.

Tradewars - Homeworld: Prototype

Well I am ALMOST completely finished with the 8th prototype for "Tradewars - Homeworld". This prototype will be in sparkling COLOUR and have placeholder artwork (Space/Stars). This version of the prototype will be made via The Game Crafter ( and I will have four (4) decks printed to allow blind testing with up to four (4) players!

All that remains is to produce the cards with bleeds (black) and one "Game Reference Card" which allows players to remind themselves of the various roles and starship rules.

Quest Adventure Cards - Second Edition: The Tarot

Well I have been researching the Tarot... Is it because I believe in the occult? No! :P

They say that "the cards" tell a story when you are using cards for a Tarot reading... And I have been wanting to take the Second Edition of Quest AC to another level. Specifically I want the game to be about "Story-Telling" as opposed to traditional Questing (Dungeon & Dragons, Dungeon Crawler, etc.)

The First Edition was *different* in that it wasn't about dualing or combat, it was about collecting cards to complete quests. Enough said about the First Edition.

Tradewars - Homeworld: First Run

So I have gotten a 2nd quote for the new version of the game. It still excludes shipping costs to me, so I am waiting for that amount to get an idea to the total cost to make the First Run production.

I have also contacted Delano in the U.S. to see if they can match a price from my current manufacturer. They claim to have competitive manufacturing once you add the costs of shipping (and possible duties on the merchandise).

Monster Keep: Deeper strategy

So originally why I was really *happy* with the "Monster Keep" concept/design was the fact that I had finally designed a game that would use both BIDDING and BLUFFING as mechanics. However as I moved along from the idea stage to a more *firm* game, certain elements became more clear: namely how the game would be played.

Tradewars - Homeworld: Playtesting

Well I have a pretty firm date for a playtest on 27 September... Although it will NOT be a "blind" playtest, players will be encourage to experiment with the cards and challenge EACH OTHER to see who wins. I will only be there mostly as a spectator once I explain the game and how to play. I can't wait to see how NEW players to the game strategize to defeat their opponent.

Monster Keep: Lords of Keeps

So fundamentally I have a SOLID base for the game ("Monster Keep"). I am now thinking about small additions that I can add to the game...

One of my ideas is the following:

  • Much like "Clue", each player's token is one of six colours. So I figured that I would create a special "Lord" card for each one. The bonus it gives a player is BY DEFAULT a player will have +2 trait stats. So for example, Lord Asinius, who is a glutton will give a player +2 Food for each bid. And so forth. Other Lords will have a different bonus...

Monster Keep: Vile Heroes

So in this blog entry, if figured I would explain a little bit of what the "Heroes Deck" will be comprised of.

As I mentioned in the "Coming next" blog entry, the "Heroes Deck" will remain confidential due to its link with Stretch Rewards. But there is some information that I CAN disclose.

The "Heroes Deck" will be comprised of forty (40) cards. Each card in the deck will be repeated four (4) times. So in reality there are ten (10) UNIQUE cards to the deck.

Monster Keep: Coming next

Okay so I figured I would *collect* the ideas from the Monster Keep thread (

I am doing this because there was some discussion and changes as the game materialized. So in this blog, I will explain (to the best of my abilities) what "Monster Keep" is.

"You are the Lord of a Stronghold who must recruit Monsters to protect his Keep from the evil Heroes that come with the intent to steal valuable gold and treasure. But Monsters are a "hard to please" bunch... and will only protect the Lord who satisfies their needs..."

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by Dr. Radut